HC Verma theory1.1(what is physics?) chapter 1


HC Verma theory ,what is physics?


       The nature around us is colourful and diverse. It contains phenomena of large varieties .The winds,the sands,the waters,the planets,the rainbow , hearting of objects on rubbing ,the function of a human body, the energy coming from the sun and the nucleus ……there are a large number of objects and events taking place around us.

       Physics is the study of nature and its laws . We expect that all these different events in nature take place according to some basic law and revealing these law of nature from the observed events is physics. For example, the orbiting of the moon around the Earth, falling of an apple from a 🌲 and tides in a sea on a full moon night can all be explained if we know the Newton’s law of gravitation and Newton’s law of motion.physics is concerned with the basic rules which are applicable to domain of life. Understanding of physics, therefore, leads to applications in many fields including bio and medical sciences.
         The great physicist Dr R.P.Feynman  has given a wonderful description of what is”understanding the nature”. suppose we do not know the rule of chess but are allowed to watch the moves of the players. If we watch the games for a long time, we may make out some of the rules . With the knowledge of these rule we may try to understand why a player played a particular moves. However, this may be a player difficult task even if we know all the rules of chess, it is a not so simple to understand all the complication of a game in a given situation and the predict the correct move. Knowing the basic rule, is however, the minimum requirement in any progress is a to b are you made.

          One may guess at the wrong rule by partially watching the game.  The experienced player may make use of the rule for the first time and the observer of the game may get surprised stop because of the new move some of the role guest at May prove to be wrong and the observable from new rules.

           Physics goes there is some way. The nature around us is like a big chases game played by Nature. The events is nature are like moves of the great game. We are allowed to watch the events of nature and guess at the base basic rules according to watch the events take place. We may come across new events which do not follow the rule guest real and we may have to declare the old rules in applicable for wrong and discover new rules.

           Since physics is the study of nature, it is real. No one has been given the authority to frame the rules of physics we only discovered the rule that are operating in nature . Newton and Einstein or our greatest physicist because from the observation available at that time, they could give us and from frame the law of physics which explain this observation in the convincing wait but there can be a new economic any days and if the rule discovered by the great scientist are not able to explain this cinema, no one will hesitate to charge this rule.

